(Bios are for archival purposes)

As vice president of the United States, as a presidential candidate in the mind-whirling campaign of 2000, as a congressman, as a Vietnam veteran and a working journalist, Al Gore offers a unique perspective on national and international affairs. Known around the world for his visionary thinking and an uncanny ability to predict the challenges and opportunities posed by technology, the global economy and a changing environment, he remains an inspiring and innovative national figure. As a key member of President Clinton’s economic team, Gore was integral to the creation of America’s longest period of sustained economic growth. He cast the tie-breaking vote for Senate approval of the first balanced budget in 30 years and, during his tenure, helped to create 18 million new jobs and raise wages at twice the rate of inflation. As vice president, Gore’s positions included president of the Senate, member of the Cabinet, member of the National Security Council and leader of a wide range of administrative initiatives, including the fight for family and medical leave. Acclaimed for his environmental achievements, his pioneering efforts were outlined in the best-selling Earth in the Balance: Ecology and the Human Spirit.