Bio from 10th Annual Healthcare Symposium

A native of Los Angeles, Ali Khan graduated in 2005 from the University of Southern California with dual degrees in Biological Sciences and Political Science. While at USC, Ali sought to combine his interests in politics and medicine throughout his undergraduate career, including a graduate-level program with the Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. While abroad he was able to hold an internship with the United Nations, and has since continued his interest in international health and public health policy. Now at UCLA, Ali has many interests in medicine, particularly national health policy, and looks forward to exploring different fields. In his spare time he enjoys athletics and spending time with friends, and notes that despite coming to UCLA he is still a Trojan football fan.

Bio from 11th Annual Healthcare Symposium

Director of Logistics

A native of Los Angeles, Ali Khan graduated in 2005 from the University of Southern California with dual degrees in Biological Sciences and Political Science. While at USC, Ali sought to combine his interests in politics and medicine throughout his undergraduate career, including a graduate-level program with the Institute of International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland. While abroad he was able to hold an internship with the United Nations, and has since continued his interest in international health and public health policy. Now at UCLA, Ali has many interests in medicine, particularly national health policy, and looks forward to exploring different fields. In his spare time he enjoys athletics and spending time with friends, and notes that despite coming to UCLA he is still a Trojan football fan.