I was born and raised in Thousand Oaks, California and went to UC Berkeley where I majored in Molecular and Cell Biology with an emphasis in Neurobiology. I did a one year immersion program in Berlin and 6 months in Lome, Togo (West Africa). I discovered a love for medicine after graduating through travelingd, research, patient care, and shadowing, and I am very honored to be attending my dream program here at UCLA. I am passionate about becoming a strong advocate for scientific inquiry, evidence based medicine, novel models of healthcare delivery, the modernization of medical education, and understanding what’s really going on in health care in Los Angeles and the United States. LMSA is a great platform to meet other medical students, mentor pre-health students, and learn from physicians from all over the region and country to share our different perspectives and work together on seeing innovative community service, advocacy, and mentorship ideas piloted at our various campuses and the best practices shared and adapted. When we get together and find a common voice, the message we send carries tremendous weight. I am privileged to represent UCLA DGSOM to LMSA-West for the 2015-2016 academic year, and welcome input from all classmates on how best to do this.

Undergrad Institution: UC Berkeley

Hometown: Thousand Oaks, CA