Emily Ka Yi Tam was born and raised in Hong Kong. She immigrated to the United States at age 10. She resided in Oakland, CA, where she attended middle and high school. She graduated from the University of California, Berkeley in 2007 with a major in Human Memory and Cognition, from the Interdisciplinary Studies Field (ISF) department. Since college, she has been blessed with the opportunity to work in a clinic, perform research, and establish a mentorship organization. Emily worked in a urology clinic in San Francisco Chinatown that served primarily low-income immigrant patients in the San Francisco Bay Area. She was a research assistant on a breast cancer survivorship study at Kaiser, where she conducted phone interviews on breast cancer survivors and helped diversify the study population by translating study documents into Chinese and being the primary interviewer for Chinese patients. Her strong interest in serving the immigrant population combined with mentorship also prompted her to establish a mentorship organization that serves to motivate recent immigrant high school students to pursue college. She is continuing her journey of service in medical school. She is excited to make a difference with like-minded, motivated people in UCLA PRIME and the LMSA.

Undergrad Institution: UC Berkeley

Hometown: Oakland, CA