Gabriel Lopez was born in Long Beach and grew up in Chino, CA as the final addition to a family of seven. His parents crossed the U.S. border illegally from Mexico in the late 70’s with the hopes that their future children will have the educational opportunities that they were denied as children themselves. An enthusiastic high school biology teacher sparked a passion for science and upon entering the University of California, Riverside as an undergraduate he soon majored in biological sciences. With a multitude of experiences granted by his involvement with the UCLA PREP program, scientific research, volunteer work in hospitals he knew that a career in medicine was a perfect match for him. However, it was only after taking three years of full-time service through AmeriCorps programs that he recognized his life’s passion for serving underserved communities. Two of the three years was spent tutoring and mentoring middle and high school students in Boyle Heights, a primarily Latino underserved neighborhood near East Los Angeles. A third year was spent serving aboard a mobile outreach clinic where Gabriel helped to bring immunization events and health education to medically underserved communities in Orange and Los Angeles Counties. He is now proud to be a part of the UCLA chapter of the Latino Medical Student Association as the Co-Chair of the Lennox Health Fair. Alongside a passionate and committed group of fellow medical students and community advocates, he is excited to continue to build on the over 20 year service legacy that the Lennox Health Fair provide its community members. Gabriel is eternally grateful to his loving and supportive family and friends and enjoys to spend most of his free time with them. You can find him with his family at Disneyland or running by himself around the UCLA campus. If you do, please feel free to say "hi!"

Undergrad Institution: UC Riverside

Hometown: Chino, CA