Jairo grew up and attended school in Inglewood, CA. He graduated City Honors High School (The name has changed to something longer) and attended UC Irvine. He was originally a Mechanical Engineering major but realized that he lost interest within the first few weeks, so he pursued the switch into biological sciences. With biology, he was very interested in pursuing a career in teaching sciences at a high school level. During his third year, he discovered the Chicano/Latinos for Community Medicine (CCM) chapter at UC Irvine. That was his first exposure in health. Over time with more experiences, guidance from mentors, and support from the UC Irvine LMSA chapter he felt confident enough to pursue medicine. It was a perfect field to integrate education, science, health, and tackle on social injustices that are disproportionately affecting certain communities. He hopes to pursue a career in infectious disease with a huge emphasis on health education, destigmatization of infections and illnesses, and community engagement.

Undergrad Institution: UC Irvine

Hometown: Hawthorne, CA