John S. Luo, MD is Medical Director of the UCLA Aftercare Research Program and specialist in medical informatics at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. He is also a key member of the support staff for the UCLA PsychSIG and has a passion for teaching and mentoring residents and medical students. In addition to these roles, he remains active in both psychotherapy and medication management for patients with depression, anxiety, and schizophrenia.

From A Week in Practice:

Where did you complete your training?
Medical School at University of Texas Medical Branch. Psychiatry residency at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center. Fellowship in medical informatics at UC Davis

In what setting do you practice & what are the most common diagnoses you encounter?
Emergency psychiatry on the teaching service at UCLA Medical Center, private practice, research program for patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia, depression, personality disorders

Describe your schedule during a typical week.
Mostly I run around from patient to clinic to meeting, and repeat.

Why did you choose your specific career & what is most rewarding about your work?
I fell in love with psychiatry on my 3rd year rotation. It was fascinating to see what patients experience, and rewarding to have an impact. I enjoy talking to people and learning about their life experiences.

What aspects of being a psychiatrist do you find the most challenging?
Saying 'no'

How are you compensated for your services?
University salary

What advice do you have for medical students considering a career in psychiatry?
If you are excited every day with something new, then psychiatry is the career for you.