Jorge Torres was born in Corona, CA and raised in Perris, CA. Jorge is a first generation born Mexican American and he is also the first in his family to pursue a higher education. Jorge has a history of community service, unique patient contact experiences and both clinical and biomedical research. In his undergraduate years at UC Berkeley where he earned his BA, he became a patient advocate for children with neuromuscular diseases during his volunteer service at The Muscular Dystrophy Association as a camp health counselor, captain fundraiser and spokes person. Jorge integrated his experiences of neuromuscular disease as a clinical and translational researcher at UCSF’s Children’s Hospital beginning in 2008. In 2010, Jorge would spend the next three years being deeply involved in conducting biomedical research relevant to type 2 diabetes and muscular disease at UCSF. Later, in 2013 he began pursing his medical education at UCLA. As a first year medical student, Jorge became a Medical Student Representative as well as the Undergraduate Mentorship Co-Coordinator for the LMSA chapter at UCLA, where he continues to be involved in the community through health clinics such as the Lennox Health Fair, food drives, advocacy, clinical research and mentorship.

Undergrad Institution: UC Berkeley

Hometown: Perris, CA