Lourdes was born and raised in East Los Angeles. She graduated from UCLA with a Bachelor of Science In Psychobiology. She dreamed of being a doctor from a very young age and did not figure out why until she was in her twenties. She was always good in the sciences but her professional and personal experiences in health care throughout the years is what opened her eyes to and solidified her desire to work in medicine. Her plan has always been to return to and practice medicine in East Los Angeles and she knew that UCLA PRIME would provide her with the tools, skills and knowledge base to make the biggest possible impact on the community that gave her culture, language and inspiration. In her leisure time, Lourdes likes to row, disc golf, watch movies, dance, ride her vintage motorcycle, and catch up on celebrity gossip. Most importantly, though, she likes to go home and eat her mom’s food.

Undergrad Institution: UC Los Angeles

Hometown: East Los Angeles, CA