Lucy Martinez grew up in Wasco, California, a small agricultural town in the Central Valley. Her wonderful hardworking parents emigrated from Mexico and worked as farm workers. Their experiences and those of her surrounding community have shown her the importance of working to resolve health disparities and to improve quality of life for underserved communities. After high school, Lucy attended Stanford University where she was very involved in Chicanos/Latinos in Health Education, volunteered as a Spanish interpreter at a free clinic in East Palo Alto, and conducted community-based research in child language development. She graduated from Stanford in 2011 with a B.A. in Human Biology with honors and a minor in Comparative Literature. After college, she decided to continue her research and stayed to work as a lab manager for the Center for Infant Studies. Her main work involved managing the Academia Habla Conmigo, a program that provides support groups for Latino mothers and teaches parent strategies on how to promote communication with their children from ages 0 to 3. In 2014, she was fortunate to have been accepted into the Charles R. Drew University/UCLA Medical Education Program. Since then, she has served as Co-President for the CDU Class of 2018 and has helped implement pre-matriculation for the new incoming class. She is excited to serve as one of the Community Outreach Chairs and hopes to continue her mission of serving and empowering medically underserved communities both in LMSA and as a primary care physician.

Undergrad Institution: Stanford University

Hometown: Wasco, CA