Paola Perez grew up in Zacatecas, Mexico where she first grew an interest in medicine. At age 17, her family decided to move to the United States. Despite language and cultural barriers, she obtained a bachelors degree in General Biology and a minor in International Migration Studies from the University of California San Diego. Through volunteer work and personal experiences, she experienced the health disparities that exist in the country, which served to further reinforce her passion for medicine. While at UCSD she had the opportunity to conduct bi-national research with the Mexican Migration Field Research Program, where she analyzed the diet and health changes that Mexican migrants undergo. In her spare time she enjoys traveling, spending time with her family and being outdoors. Currently she is part of the UCLA PRIME program and treasurer for the UCLA LMSA chapter.

Undergrad Institution: UC San Diego

Hometown: Zacatecas, Mexico; Riverside, CA