Professor, Health Services

Paul Torrens is Professor of Health Services, teaches courses in health services organization and financing, health services organization and theory, managerial processes in health service organizations and managed care. Dr. Torrens received his M.D. from Georgetown University and his M.P.H. from Harvard University. A physician by initial training, he has had a long career in the two areas of health care management and health care policy.

As a health care manager, Dr. Torrens has had many years of direct management experience in hospitals and health organizations. He has also many years of membership on governing boards of health care organizations of various kinds; he currently serves on the Board of Directors of Blue Shield of California, as well as the Board of PacificCare Behavioral Health of California. He is also a member of the Financial Solvency Standards Board, Department of Managed Care, State of California, and the Attorneys General Task Force on Charity Care. As a health policy expert, Dr. Torrens has served in a wide variety of advisory and consulting capacities to governmental and non-governmental organizations in all parts of the United States and in eighteen foreign countries.