Sarah Jane Smith, MPH, MA has more than 15 years of experience working on social justice issues in the areas of reproductive rights, racial justice, environmental advocacy, immigrant rights and worker health through public health programming, grassroots organizing, health education, and community capacity building. She is a recent graduate from UCLA where she completed her Master’s in Public Health in Community Health Sciences and Masters in Latin American Studies. Prior to graduate school she worked at Planned Parenthood NorCal for 4 years as a Reproductive Health Specialist, providing comprehensive reproductive health services to a largely uninsured population in the Bay Area. She completed a double BA degree at UC Santa Cruz in Feminist Studies and Community Studies, which included six months of field research on infant and maternal mortality in the Western Highlands of Guatemala. Sarah Jane currently serves on the board of Directors for Doctors for Global Health as co-chair of the Communications Committee and a liaison for one of DGH's partner communities: Santa Marta, Cabañas, El Salvador. Sarah Jane's recent work has focused on: Central American solidarity movement(s), the intersection of public health and immigrant rights, liberation medicine and public health praxis, and addressing racism as a public health crisis. Currently, Sarah Jane works at the University of Nevada, Reno where she is the Coordinator, Evaluation and Research for the School of Social Work (Child Welfare).