Bio from 8th Annual Healthcare Symposium

Sondra Vazirani, MD, MPH is a Hospitalist in the VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care System and an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine/Health Services Research at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.

Clinically, Dr. Vazirani serves as the Medical Director of the Medicine Consult Service at the West Los Angeles VA and also attends on the wards and in the ER. Administratively, Dr. Vazirani serves on the Residency Advisory Committee and the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. Dr. Vazirani is submitting a manuscript regarding a research study that compares the effectiveness of care management by a hospitalist/ nursepractitioner/ multidisciplinary care management team versus conventional approach for acutely ill general medicine inpatients. Dr. Vazirani additionally teaches an elective in the UCLA Medical School in Health Policy. She has been married nine years to an attorney and has a gorgeous seventeen-month-old baby girl.

Bio from 9th Annual Healthcare Symposium

Hospitalist in the VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care System and an Assistant Clinical Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine/Health Services Research at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA. Clinically, Dr. Vazirani serves as the Medical Director of the Preoperative Clinic and the Medicine Consult Service at the West Los Angeles VA, and also attends on the wards and in the ER. Administratively, Dr. Vazirani serves on the Residency Advisory Committee and the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. Dr. Vazirani has a paper in press regarding a research study that compared the effectiveness of care management by a hospitalist/ nursepractitioner/ multidisciplinary care management team versus conventional approach for acutely ill general medicine inpatients. Dr. Vazirani additionally has been an instructor for seven years for an elective in the UCLA Medical School regarding Health Policy. She has been married ten years to an attorney and has a gorgeous two and a half year old girl.

Bio from 10th Annual Healthcare Symposium

Sondra Vazirani, MD, MPH is a Hospitalist in the VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care System and an Associate Clinical Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine/Health Services Research at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.Dr. Vazirani serves as the Medical Director of the Preoperative Clinic and the Medicine Consult Service at the West Los Angeles VA, and also attends on the medicine wards and in the ER. Dr. Vazirani serves on the Academic Progress Committee, the VAGLAHS Executive Board, and the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. Dr. Vazirani is an active principal investigator and has published papers and has papers in press regarding a research study that compared the effectiveness of care management by a hospitalist/ nurse practitioner/ multidisciplinary care management team versus conventional approach for acutely ill general medicine inpatients. Dr. Vazirani additionally has been an instructor for eight years for an elective in the UCLA Medical School regarding Health Policy. She has been married eleven years to an attorney and has a gorgeous three and a half year old girl.

Bio from 11th Annual Healthcare Symposium

Sondra Vazirani, MD, MPH is a Hospitalist in the VA Greater Los Angeles Health Care System and an Associate Clinical Professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine/Health Services Research at the David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA.Dr. Vazirani serves as the Medical Director of the Preoperative Clinic and the Medicine Consult Service at the West Los Angeles VA, and also attends on the medicine wards and in the ER.

Dr. Vazirani serves on the Academic Progress Committee, the VAGLAHS Executive Board, and the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee. Dr. Vazirani is an active principal investigator and has published papers regarding a study that compared the effectiveness of care management by a hospitalist/ nurse practitioner/ multidisciplinary care management team versus conventional approach for acutely ill general medicine inpatients. Dr. Vazirani additionally has been an instructor for eight years for an elective in the UCLA Medical School regarding Health Policy. She has been married twelve years and has a gorgeous four and a half year old girl.