Bio from 9th Annual Healthcare Symposium

Bio 1:

Stuart Schweitzer, Ph.D. is a Professor of Health Services at UCLA School of Public Health teaching courses in health economics, health system organization and financing, and comparative health systems.

Professor Schweitzer earned his Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Berkeley in 1966. He has taught at Wayne State University and Georgetown University, as well as having been on the research staff of The Urban Institute and the National Institutes of Health. He has served on President Carter's Commission for a National Agenda for the Eighties, and has held visiting appointments at Oxford University, CREDES (Paris), ESSEC (Paris), and the Shanghai Medical University. After joining the faculty of UCLA School of Public Health in 1976, he has served as Chair of the Department of Health Service from 1990-1993 and as Vice-Chair from 2003-2004.

His research interests are in the areas of health policy, especially as they pertain to pharmaceuticals, gerontology, and the financing of health care. Dr. Schweitzer directed a 6-year assessment of health screening and promotion for the elderly, financed by the Health Care Financing Administration. He co-directs the UCLA Research Program in Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy, with Professors William Comanor and Michael Intriligator.

Bio 2:

Professor of Health Services at UCLA School of Public Health teaching courses in health economics, health system organization and financing, and comparative health systems. Professor Schweitzer earned his Ph.D. in economics from the University of California, Berkeley in 1966. He has taught at Wayne State University and Georgetown University, as well as having been on the research staff of The Urban Institute and the National Institutes of Health. He has served on President Carter's Commission for a National Agenda for the Eighties, and has held visiting appointments at Oxford University, CREDES (Paris), ESSEC (Paris), and the Shanghai Medical University. After joining the faculty of UCLA School of Public Health in 1976, he has served as Chair of the Department of Health Service from 1990-1993 and as Vice-Chair from 2003-2004. His research interests are in the areas of health policy, especially as they pertain to pharmaceuticals, gerontology, and the financing of health care. Dr. Schweitzer directed a 6-year assessment of health screening and promotion for the elderly, financed by the Health Care Financing Administration. He co-directs the UCLA Research Program in Pharmaceutical Economics and Policy, with Professors William Comanor and Michael Intriligator.