Where did you complete your training?
Harvard Medical School. UCLA for psychiatry residency & child psychiatry fellowship

In what setting do you practice & what are the most common diagnoses you encounter?
Part-time private practice, part-time community psychiatry. ADHD, depression/bipolar, psychotic disorders, ODD, GAD, Panic, OCD

Describe your schedule during a typical week.
50% private practice, 50% community psychiatry, 2 hours supervising

Why did you choose your specific career & what is most rewarding about your work?
It just fit when I did a psychiatry rotation. Learning about people in more depth than other fields of medicine, seeing kids get better–improve functioning.

What aspects of being a psychiatrist do you find the most challenging?
Insurance issues around billing, medical coverage, documenting. Non-compliance either due to resistance or financial/logistic barriers.

How are you compensated for your services?
Fee for service, contract consulting in Medicare/DMH contract clinic.

What advice do you have for medical students considering a career in psychiatry?
Try out different settings for practice: inpatient, outpatient, partial clinic.
