2023-2024 Executive Board


Left: Jenny Kim; Middle: Justin Yun; Right: Tiffany Chen
Community Health Chairs

Left: Allison Song; Middle: Simon Liu; Right: Amelie Lim
Mentorship Chairs

Left: Catherine Beaudin; Right: Chris Zhao
Health Disparities Chairs

Left: Amber Aduja; Right: Jamie Kwak
Minority Health Chairs

Left: Jess Tsang; Right: Amanda Banh
2020-2021 Executive Board


Left: Connie Ho; Middle: Bryan Vuong; Right: Holly Huang
Community Health Chairs

Left: Erika Bernardino; Right: Cindy Liu

Marie Luff
Health Disparities Chairs

Left: Karissa Wang; Right: Jasmine Deng
Mentorship Chairs

Left: Michelle Ko; Right: Melissa Yao
Minority Health Chairs

Left: Chelsea Pan; Right: Emily Nguyen
Past Officers
A record of past officers can be found in the following Google Sheets.