Pre-Med FAQs
Hi there,
Welcome to the Pre-Med Community [at UCLA]!
As the majority of us [medical students] can attest, the path to medical school is an incredibly rewarding journey. Yet, for many pre-meds, they will feel like they have to claw their way to an admission acceptance, due to concerns regarding their GPA and/or extracurricular activities.
Unfortunately, there is no magic formula that can guarantee any student a ticket to medical school (as you will soon see discussed in the Statistics page). Also, if you have yet to discover, there are conflicting ideas on what it will take to become a medical student.
While we do NOT claim to be experts in the field of medical school admission, we - as medical students - at least have some familiarities with the process. We do not have an answer to every question that you may have. However, through these pages - written as OPINION PIECES, we hope to partake some of our experiences and thoughts to you, with the hope that they will help make your journey a little more straight and a little less nebulous. And most importantly, we want you to know that you are not alone in your quest to become a medical doctor.
We wish you all the best of luck in your journey!
Med Mentors at UCLA Team
P/S: we have no doubt that the Pre-Med Guide is incomplete and very likely contains information that should be adjusted/updated. If you have any suggestion or question that you would like us to address, please submit the following form! Your feedback is always greatly appreciated.